NEWS / EPU: Asus reicht Klage gegen Konkurrent Gigabyte ein

27.05.2008 06:45 Uhr    Kommentare

Das Unternehmen Asus hat in den vergangenen Tagen offiziell Klage gegen den Mitbewerber Gigabyte eingereicht. Am 22. Mai wurde bei der Fair Trade Commission in Taiwan eine entsprechende Klageschrift wegen unlauteren Verhaltens hinterlegt. Die offizielle Stellungnahme in englischer Sprache im folgenden Abschnitt.

"Gigabyte, without a full understanding of ASUS’ engineering design and methods, has made false accusations against ASUS motherboards’ EPU features and the quality of ASUS’ motherboard components. Also, in a press briefing presentation, Gigabyte misused a photograph with blown-up (exploded) capacitors and led the audience to believe it was an ASUS product to support its false allegations that ASUS uses questionable quality components. However, the image was found to be taken from a photograph of a VGA card manufactured by another vendor. The action of misrepresenting a third party product to be an ASUS product is truly defamatory and clearly outside the realm of decent competition. ASUS takes pride in its innovations, which are measured against the highest standards in the industry at all stages of operation - from project development, engineering, manufacturing to service. Through a combination of the best quality-controlled components and processes, ASUS delivers state-of-the art technology breakthroughs to meet customers’ needs. Every breakthrough is the result of huge R&D engineering efforts. Hence, while it is common to have competition among companies, the use of the above mentioned methods are defamatory and condemnable. ASUS deeply resents Gigabyte’s action(s). Yesterday (May 22nd 2008), ASUS has reported such acts to the Fair Trade Commission of Taiwan. Today (May 23rd 2008), ASUS has officially filed a lawsuit against Gigabyte for those defamatory acts."

Die EPU (Energy Processing Unit) wurde erstmals durch Asus im September des letzten Jahres vorgestellt und soll gemeinsam mit Asus AI Gear die Energie-Effizienz des Systems optimieren. Unter anderem ist die EPU in der Lage während des Betriebs und in Abhängigkeit verschiedener Parameter Spannungen, Frequenzen etc. zu regulieren.

Quelle: Hardware-Mag, Autor: Patrick von Brunn
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