NEWS / Upgrade it: Windows XP Pro zu Windows x64 Edition

25.04.2005 18:00 Uhr    Kommentare

Wie nun bekannt gegeben wurde, will Softwareriese Microsoft im Rahmen des "Technology Advancement Program" seinen Windows XP Professional Nutzern ein Software-Upgrade auf die Windows XP Professional x64 Edition anbieten. Benötigt wird natürlich ein 64 Bit fähiger Prozessor wie AMD Athlon 64, AMD Opteron, Intel Pentium 4 mit EM64T, Intel Xeon mit EM64T oder Intel Pentium D bzw. die Extreme Edition. Das Upgrade-Programm soll dabei bis zum 31. Juli 2005 dauern. Folgende Punkte sollen allerdings beachtet werden.

  • By participating in this program, your 32-bit version of Windows XP Professional will no longer be licensed.
  • The installation of Windows XP Professional x64 Edition requires you to format your hard drive. You must back up your files and settings prior to the installation or they will be erased. Microsoft is not liable for any loss of data as a result of this installation.
  • Windows XP Professional x64 Edition requires 64 Bit hardware drivers (32 Bit drivers are not supported). Drivers for 64 Bit Windows are created at the discretion of hardware manufacturers and may not be available for some of your hardware components.
  • For the purposes of the End User License Agreement for your existing Windows XP Pro (32 Bit) software, your installation of this software will be an "Upgrade."
  • The installation of Windows XP Professional x64 Editions will void any support with your PC manufacturer. One free support call will be provided by Microsoft for any installation-related issues. Additional calls to Microsoft support will be available on a pay-per-incident basis.
  • Cost for shipping and handling of upgrade is $12.00 USD for domestic shipments and $22.00 USD for International shipments plus any applicable taxes.

Quelle: Microsoft, Autor: Christoph Buhtz
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