NEWS / Passiv gekühlt: 9800 XT und 9600 XT von Sapphire

17.11.2003 06:30 Uhr    Kommentare

Hersteller Sapphire präsentiert auf der heute gestarteten Comdex Fall seine neuen Ultimate Grafikkarten, welche passiv gekühlt sind. Neben Radeon 9800 XT und 9600 XT Karten mit Heatpipe-Kühlung, wird es nun auch 9800 Pro und 9600 Pro All-In-Wonder Platinen mit lautloser Kühlung geben. Erste Karten sollen kurz vor Weihnachten in den Handel kommen.

"The Sapphire ATLANTIS RADEON 9800XT Ultimate. This is the first passively cooled product to deliver the highest graphics performance in the industry, based on ATIs very latest RADEON 9800XT technology. At the same time Sapphire will introduce an exciting new mid range product, the Sapphire ATLANTIS RADEON 9600XT Ultimate, a breakthrough in price: performance for a silent graphics solution. Multimedia enthusiasts will be amazed to learn that Sapphire have now created passively cooled models in its feature packed All-In-Wonder family.

New products will include the top of the range Sapphire THE BEAST All-In-Wonder 9800 Pro Ultimate, combining top level graphics performance with the most comprehensive TV and Video capabilities for the first time in a totally silent solution. Like other members of the All In Wonder family, this version supports multiple display formats and comes complete with multimedia authoring software and a fully featured Remote Control. Also getting the silent treatment is Sapphire’s mid range multimedia solution, which becomes THE BEAST All-In-Wonder 9600 Pro Ultimate..."

Quelle: Sapphire, Autor: Patrick von Brunn
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