NEWS / Soyo Mainboards sind sehr beliebt

20.09.2002 06:30 Uhr    Kommentare

Soyo kann stolz berichten, dass sowohl im Pentium IV- als auch im Athlon XP-Motherboard-Bereich, sehr beliebt ist. hatte seit Februar diesen Jahres eine Art Umfrage und Abstimmung zu verschiedenen Hauptplatinen gestartet. Dort konnte sich Soyo jeweils Platz 2 ergattern. Hier die Pressemitteilung (Englisch)...

"In February 2002, launched a new comprehensive motherboard scoring system. Based on the 5 popular categories (features, ergonomics, stability, package&support, performance), SOYO took home top honor as the No.2 MOST POPULAR Motherboards for both Intel and AMD platforms!

In addition to the many Editor´s Choice Awards the SY-KT333 DRAGON Ultra (Platinum Edition) has been awarded, our KT333 chipset based solution ranked No. 1 in Features, Stability, Package & Support, and Performance by the site users or Among the 18 AMD-based motherboards in the mix, SOYO´s DRAGON offering scored as high as 93/100!!

On the Intel side, SOYO´s P4S DRAGON Ultra was also voted NO.2 MOST POPULAR motherboard by the users. According to the user submissions, SOYO´s Intel solution offered a perfect blend of features, stability, and package&support. The SY-P4S DRAGON Ultra scored 88/100, while our patriotic SY-P4I Fire DRAGON followed suite at 81/100.

Want to be part of this motherboard ranking? Head on over to!"

Motherboard-Rankings @

Quelle: E-Mail, Autor: Patrick von Brunn
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