Endlich ist es so weit: Nvidia beginnt mit der Massenproduktion der neuen nForce-Generation. Unter anderem haben bereits namhafte Hersteller wie zum Beispiel Asus und Gigabyte, Hauptplatinen mit nForce 2 Chipsatz angekündigt. Wie man in der offiziellen Pressemitteilung von Nvidia noch nachlesen kann, sollen die ersten nForce-Boards gegen Ende diesen Monats in die Läden kommen. Hier die Pressemitteilung (Englisch)...
"SANTA CLARA, CA--OCTOBER 1, 2002--NVIDIA Corporation (Nasdaq: NVDA), the worldwide leader in visual processing solutions, today announced that its second-generation NVIDIA® nForce(TM) platform processors--nForce2--are now in production. The highly anticipated processors have been delivered to the Company’s extensive list of motherboard partners in preparation for the introduction of nForce2-based solutions into the channel and retail markets.
"With support for DDR400, AGP 8X, and the faster 333MHz frontside bus, nForce2 offers the most advanced, reliable and performance-oriented desktop PC platform architecture in the market today," said Larry Wu, Vice President of MSI Sales and Marketing Department. "We are very proud to be NVIDIA’s partner in motherboards, as well as graphics, and we look forward to delivering our K7N2 nForce2 solutions to the satisfaction of consumers worldwide."
Designed to bring new levels of functionality and performance to business, gaming, and digital media PC platforms, nForce2 offers a broad range of configuration options based on two architectures: graphics motherboards and performance motherboards. nForce2-based graphics motherboards harness the power of AMD Athlon(TM) XP+ processors and NVIDIA’s award-winning GeForce(TM)4 MX external add-in cards and incorporate them with the system, memory, and digital media features found only in nForce2-based advanced motherboard solutions. Performance motherboards offer the same awesome system and memory performance, and allow system builders to offer customized external graphics configurations harnessing the power of fast 8X AGP bus technology and today’s fastest memory technologies, including DDR400 and DDR333 modules.
"NVIDIA’s new nForce2 AMD AthlonXP-based platforms with advanced 333FSB support outperforms any platform available in the market today," said Oscar Wu, Head AMD Board Designer at ABIT. "We are excited about introducing our NV7-8X and NV7-8XE motherboards into the channel, and we are confident that gamers and enthusiasts will appreciate the innovative features and leading performance that our products will offer."
To ensure nForce2-based motherboards and PCs are paired with the industry’s fastest memory modules, NVIDIA has selected Advanced Validation Labs (AVL) and Computer Memory Test Labs (CMTL) to perform compatibility tests on the widest possible selection of DDR memories, including DDR333, for use with the nForce2 platform. Compatibility testing is designed to enable the widespread availability of cost-effective and reliable DDR modules to customers worldwide. For more information on the AVL and CMTL compatibility programs, please visit www.validationlabs.com and www.cmtlabs.com, respectively.
NVIDIA has also augmented its external testing programs with its own internal DDR400 compatibility program, and is testing memory from leading memory manufacturers and module suppliers including, but not limited to: Samsung Semiconductor, Hynix Semiconductor, Micron Technology, Infineon Technologies, Nanya Technology, Kingston Technology, Smart Modular Technologies, and PNY Technologies. nForce2-compatible memory modules will be listed on the NVIDIA, CMTL and AVL Web sites to allow customers easy access to the list of DDR memory modules tested specifically on the nForce2 platform.
The NVIDIA nForce2 platform processors are currently in the labs of NVIDIA’s extensive list of motherboard and system builder partners, including: Abit, ABS, Alienware, Aopen, ASUSTeK, Atlas Micro, Chaintech, Epox, Falcon Northwest, HyperSonic, Leadtek, MSI, Shuttle Computer, Soltech, Totally Awesome, and Vicious PC. Retail products based on the nForce2 platform processors are expected to become available later this month..."
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